How To Advertise Job On LinkedIn | A Step-by-Step Guide to Posting Jobs for Free

how to advertise job on LinkedIn: LinkedIn, boasting over half a billion members worldwide, has become the go-to platform for job seekers and companies alike. If you’re looking to hire top-tier talent, your journey begins with mastering the art of posting jobs on LinkedIn. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process step by step, ensuring you not only find the best candidates but also do it for free.

How To Advertise Job On LinkedIn

1. Creating a Company Page

Before diving into hiring, you need to establish a LinkedIn company page. Follow these steps:

  • Click the Work icon on your LinkedIn homepage.
  • Choose “Create a Company Page” from the dropdown menu.
  • Choose the type of page you want (Company Page, Showcase Page, Educational Institution).
  • Enter company details and upload your logo.
  • Ensure to tick the verification box and then click “Create Page.”

2. Posting a Job for Free

The beauty of LinkedIn lies in its free job posting feature. Here’s how to do it:

  • From your LinkedIn dashboard, click the Work icon.
  • Select “Post a Job” from the dropdown menu.
  • Fill in job details: title, company name, workplace type, employee location, and employment type.
  • Click “Get Started For Free.” [how to advertise job on linkedin]

For advanced hiring tools, consider LinkedIn Recruiter.

3. Creating Your Job Details

After entering basic information, delve into job specifics:

  • Craft a detailed job description in the text box.
  • Specify required skills by clicking the Add Skill icon.

4. Entering Applicant Options

Once job details are filled, proceed to applicant options:

  • Choose how to receive applications (email or external website).
  • Add a minimum of three screening questions to filter candidates.
  • Make screening questions must-have qualifications if desired.

Click “Post Job for Free” when done.

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5. Promoting Your Posted Job

After posting, decide whether to promote your job for wider reach:

  • Set a budget for promoted posts.
  • Choose a daily or total budget (above $7 per day).
  • LinkedIn estimates monthly applicants based on your budget. [how to advertise job on linkedin]

Opt not to promote, or take advantage of a three-day free trial.

6. Processing Payment

For promoted posts, follow these steps:

  • Submit payment using your default credit card or add a new one.
  • Pay only when someone views your job.
  • Adjust the budget or close the job at any time.

7. Improving Your Job Post

Enhance your job post for better visibility:

  • Add the job post to your profile.
  • Incorporate LinkedIn skills assessments.
  • Print a Help Wanted sign with a QR code.
  • Display compensation information and company benefits.

For broader reach, consider ZipRecruiter.

8. Utilizing LinkedIn’s #Hiring Feature

Encourage your employees to share job posts using LinkedIn’s #Hiring feature:

  • Click the Me icon on their LinkedIn homepage.
  • Select an existing job from the pop-up window.
  • Click “Add to profile.” [how to advertise job on linkedin]

9. Managing Your Posted Jobs

After posting, revisit your job for various needs:

  • Make edits.
  • Review applicants.
  • Message applicants.
  • Rate candidates.
  • Share job posts.
  • Close jobs.


LinkedIn offers a powerful platform for hiring, and posting jobs is a straightforward process. By following these steps, you not only tap into a vast pool of talent but also ensure your job listings stand out. Don’t miss out on the chance to elevate your hiring game on LinkedIn.

FAQs – How to Post a Job on LinkedIn

Q1: How many jobs can you post on LinkedIn for free?
You can post one job at a time for free, and it stays active for up to 30 days. If needed, you can post an additional job, but a maximum of two free jobs can be posted within 30 days.

Q2: Can I post multiple jobs on LinkedIn?
To post more than one job simultaneously, consider using LinkedIn’s Talent Solutions—Recruiter and Recruiter Lite. Keep in mind that there is a cost associated with these solutions.

Unlock the potential of your hiring process by leveraging the features LinkedIn has to offer. Enhance your company’s visibility and connect with the right talent effortlessly. [how to advertise job on linkedin]

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